Good evening! If you attended my Beginning Tablet Weaving class today at Stormgard's A Game of Thrones and StormGods event, here is a link to the class Google Slide presentation. The heat was awful, but it made me so happy to see how excited you guys were to learn that tablet weaving can be fun and approachable. Thank you so much!
Saturday, July 30, 2022
Sunday, June 26, 2022
Klappenrock Teaser
So... I've been puttering. You probably noticed that I haven't posted anything recently. We moved from The Barony of the Steppes in Ansteorra (Dallas, TX) to The Barony of Stromgard in An Tir (Vancouver, WA) in December 2019. Since then, I've had a couple long-term projects going. I should be finishing several of them soon. I thought I would get at least one of them typed up today, but I didn't realize how much maintenance the site needed. I had to replace a ton of pictures, and I am so sorry they were unavailable to you. I've also backed everything up in case we have image issues again.
So, until I can get the next post up for you, here's a teaser for my current longest-term project, a gray wool klappenrock (crossover tunic/coat) for Jake.
Here's the beginning of the project on my belt loom. This was the best Christmas gift exchange item EVER. I love this thing, and how easy it is for me to adjust my tension. Not to mention how portable it is.
Here's my current progress. After I had to re-warp the loom, I went a little overboard. Notice the mini pony-tail ties? It actually works really well. No regrets!
It will be a while before I finish this project, so in the meantime these may be accomplished first:
- Jaime's reclaimed wool blend Hangeroc and Serk
- Jake's Thorsbjerg trousers with Skjoldehamn brók hem treatment
- Woad-dyed linen Serk
- Woad-blue wool Hangeroc
- Persona building/reigning in my garb and accessories to a tighter period and location
Thank you for your patience!